Discover everything you need to keep entertained with our huge range of craft magazines. Find easy step-by-step guides, knitting and sewing patterns, craft ideas, DIY projects, complex designs and so much more. Create, discover and improve with the help of our arts and crafts magazines.
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Fusion Flowers
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Fusion Flowers is a bi-monthly magazine that shows readers how to create amazing designs in step-by-step format with explanations and instructions from our world-class teachers. Buy a single copy or subscription to Fusion Flowers magazine.
Burda Style
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Burda Style is the monthly sewing and fashion title packed with all the designs, tips and guidance you could need to make your own outfits for women, men, and children. Each issue gives you up to date seasonal stylings and patterns, ideas, tips, and more. Buy a single copy or subscription to Burda Style magazine.
Simply Lettering
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大牛推荐!UI设计师工作必备的七个设计神器 | 伢设网 - UISDC:2021-12-2 · (谷歌搭梯子) 配色是很多设计师头疼的问题,特别是一些新设计师在如何调色与配色上往往都是处理的不太好!那么下面这个插件将帮你解决这个问题! 同样是来自Material Design,Material Design的配色方案更是艳丽无比,与扁平设计风格更是相得益彰。